5 Easy Mat Moves
Want to work out at home? Start with these 5 easy mat moves!!
Do you have excuses for not working-out? Ahem, yes! Because we all do- work, too tired, kids, too busy, I don’t have the equipment etc. I’ve used them all before myself when motivation has been lacking!
But…. here are 5 EASY MAT MOVES that will get you feeling stronger, more energised and give you that TONED BODY you’ve been wishing for!
All you need is a mat or a towel and your enthusiasm so skip the excuses and go grab your mat. ?
1. Bridging
Aim: Increase spinal movement and strengthen the glutes and hamstrings.
Set-up: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart.
- Exhale as you start to lift your bottom and peel your spine off the floor until you reach your mid-back.
- Inhale to hold and exhale as you roll down your spine vertebrae at a time until you rest on the floor. Aim for 10 Reps
Tip: Try to squeeze your glutes!
Modification: Keep the movement smaller and only lift to where it’s comfortable.
Advanced: Keep one leg at knee-float position during the bridge.
2. Ab curl
Aim: Increase upper abdominal strength.
Set-up: Lie on your back with knees bent and hands interlaced behind your head
- Exhale as you curl your head, neck and shoulders off the floor.
- 2. Inhale as you return to the floor. Aim for 10-15 Reps
Tip: Press your head gently back in to your hands and your hands forward in to your head
Modification: Curl to a smaller height.
Advanced: Lift the legs to double knee float or add in a leg stretch.
3. Bird-dog
Aim: Strengthen the back extensors, core and posterior back cross-sling muscles.
Set-up: Kneel and place your hands on the floor under your shoulders.
- Exhale as you extend one arm and the opposite leg.
- Inhale as you return to your starting position. Alternate sides Aim for 10 Reps on each side.
Tip: Think of length not height when you extend the arms and legs. Keep the torso stable.
Modification: Extend only the leg and keep it low.
Advanced: Balance a small ball on your lower back and don’t lose it.
4. Four-point kneel lift to Downward Dog
Aim: Stretch the back and legs whilst strengthening the arms, core and legs.
Set-up: Start in a 4-point kneeling position (as shown) with your hands on the floor and weight lifted off the knees.
- Exhale as you press your heels in to the floor, straighten your legs and press the shoulders back to a downward Dog position.
- Inhale as you return to the starting position above. Aim for 10 Reps
Tip: Focus on the length of the spine and staying strong and lifted at your shoulders. Draw the lower abdominals in.
Modification: Lift the knees off the floor and lower the knees (avoid Downward Dog position).
Advanced: Lift one leg throughout the sequence.
5. Making Plank
Aim: Strengthen the shoulders, arms and core.
Set-up: Kneel and place your hands on the floor under your shoulders.
- Inhale as you extend one leg behind you.
- Exhale as you extend the other leg behind you.
- 8. Inhale as you return your first leg to kneeling, exhale as you return your second leg to kneeling. Aim for 10 Reps
Tip: Draw your lower abdominals tight when extending the second leg and keep the torso stable, at the same height.
Modification: Lift the second knee just off the ground but don’t extend the leg to make the plank.
Advanced: Lift one leg just off the floor in plank position.