Need to Dial Back the Sugar this Christmas?
There’s no denying it, Christmas is a time of indulgence.
There’s always so much food, presents, lollies and sweets.
Here are my top tips for keeping you healthy, happy and out of a sugar-coma this year!
1. Cut back on alcohol
Ok, this may not be everyone’s favourite thing to do at this time of year with all the parties and get togethers but we often drink more (and possibly too much) alcohol.
Cutting back or eliminating alcohol is a great way to reduce your sugar intake as well as help your liver. You’ll feel less lethargic after enjoying a late night and no hangover. Yay!
If you are going to indulge in a glass of alcohol opt for low sugar varieties like spirits or a dry wine and skip the soft drinks and tonic water.
2. Reduce portion sizes
Do we really need 3 mince pies after dinner?
Christmas is a fantastic time for sharing delicious food with your loved ones and some of the best food is Christmas food but when you’re indulging look to reduce your portion size.
1 mince pie is a better option than 3. If you know you’ll be having dessert, skip the entree or opt for a salad instead.
You’ll enjoy a small piece of cake much more than an oversized serve that often leaves you feeling sick and on a sugar high.
3. Make your own
There’s nothing better than making your own food and knowing what’s in it.
If you’re catching up for a bbq or lunch put your hand up to make a healthy salad so you know you’ll have a nutritious lunch.
By making your own you’re less likely to have additional sugars, flavours and preservatives in your food which can affect your mood, weight and overall health.
To cut back on sugar, skip the pre-done meals and sauces and get back to basics in the kitchen.
It’s therapeutic for the soul and good for the body.
4. Hold the sweets
There are SO many lollies and sweets around at Christmas (and sometimes you feel like you have to have them) but it’s ok to pass on them.
If you have a busy week of catch ups, take a rain check on dessert and at the times you do have dessert only have a couple of your absolute favourite sweet treats.
You’ll find you appreciate them more if you have them less and a much smaller amount will satisfy your sweet tooth.